Random Things I Learn from Travel

(1) Be strong and slim
I am a sedentary person, and yes, I need to shed 40 pound. However, coming home from travel, I feel stronger and have the urge to do more exercise.

(2) Write post cards
It's cool and direct! Writing postcards require more energy and focus  than texting, and well, it's kind of more personal.

(3) Eat as you need it
During travel, I learned that I did not need to eat that much and that fancy. Back where I live, I always feel the urge to try new dishes and new  resto- and let's be honest most of the times the food are not that special.

(4) Not snacking
I pay attention that this is rarely practiced. And make my clothes dirty- crumbles, gravy drip. A sip of plain water is way more tolerable.

(5) Always be presentable
I never know who will cross my path!

(6) Feeling anonymous
Here I am  without label. And it's a unique form of freedom.

(7) It's Okay to be Alone
I am constantly afraid to be alone. But actually, it's okay just to be an authentic me.

(8) clothes standard
Long distance travel: tunic + legging + waterfall cardigans + scarf + a pair of comfy ballet flat an comfy socks.
Daily clothes: neutral color + accesories to live it up

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